About Thankful
Every business has a story about how they came up with their name. For us, the name Thankful came first and everything else followed. We started with the goal to create a more thoughtful gift registry site. One that puts people, relationships and gratitude above all else. Something less greedy, more humble. That was back in 2013. A lot of time has passed, but not much else has changed. Thankful remains a founder-owned company. We still like to keep things simple and keep a low profile. And our mission today is still exactly the same: be the best possible gift registry platform there is.
Every business has a story about how they
came up with their name. For us, the name
Thankful came first and everything else
followed. We started with the goal to create
a more thoughtful gift registry site. One that
puts people, relationships and gratitude
above all else. Something less greedy, more humble.
That was back in 2013. A lot of time has
passed, but not much else has changed.
Thankful remains a founder-owned company.
We still like to keep things simple and keep
a low profile. And our mission today is still
exactly the same: be the best possible gift
registry platform there is.
This is our 10-year anniversary relaunch.
It’s been a long time coming! We decided to relaunch so we can keep our original “forever” promise to the people and organizations who have been with us through the years. We’ve seen couples create an account for their engagement then come back for their baby registry. We’ve hosted fundraisers for nonprofits of all types and sizes. We’ve seen wishlists for big life milestones. From college graduations to dog adoptions, from 10th birthdays to 40th birthdays. Being part of these meaningful events has made us realize that gifts and gift registries can represent so much more than the items that are given and received. In a lot of ways, Thankful acts as a conduit for celebration, community and connection. This relaunch will keep us going for decades to come. We’re excited to continue being a small part of so many people’s lives.
It’s been a long time coming! We decided to relaunch so we can keep our original
“forever” promise to the people and organizations who have been with us through
the years. We’ve seen couples create an account for their engagement then come
back for their baby registry. We’ve hosted fundraisers for nonprofits of all types and
sizes. We’ve seen wishlists for big life milestones. From college graduations to dog
adoptions, from 10th birthdays to 40th birthdays.
Being part of these meaningful events has made us realize that gifts and gift
registries can represent so much more than the items that are given and received. In
a lot of ways, Thankful acts as a conduit for celebration, community and connection.
This relaunch will keep us going for decades to come. We’re excited to continue
being a small part of so many people’s lives.

Thankful couple Max & Cade featured in The New York Times in January 2017.
Thankful couple Max & Cade featured in The New York Times in January 2017.
A note about sustainability.
Thankful is a digital-only company, but we’re very aware of the large carbon footprint that e-commerce leaves. Maybe there’s no such thing as a sustainable gift registry, but since Thankful is a business that exists in the world of e-commerce, we believe it’s crucial we try our best to move in the direction of being less greedy, more humble. One way we can reduce our impact is by nudging our customers to make more intentional decisions. Part of this lives through our mission to make online gifting feel more personal, less transactional. Another way is through what we say, and what we don’t say. For instance, you won’t find any “must- have” recommendations or “curated collections” from us. Thankful isn’t an online retailer and you’ll never see us acting like one.
Thankful is a digital-only company, but we’re very
aware of the large carbon footprint that
e-commerce leaves. Maybe there’s no such thing
as a sustainable gift registry, but since Thankful
is a business that exists in the world of
e-commerce, we believe it’s crucial we try our
best to move in the direction of being less
greedy, more humble.
One way we can reduce our impact is by
nudging our customers to make more intentional
decisions. Part of this lives through our mission
to make online gifting more personal, less
transactional. Another way is through what we
say, and what we don’t say. For instance, you
won’t find any “must-have” recommendations
or “curated collections” from us. Thankful isn’t
an online retailer and you’ll never see us acting
like one.
We love hearing customer feedback, so please let us know what you’re thinking. We’re not great at social media so send us an email: hello@thankfulregistry.com
We love hearing customer feedback, so please let us know what you’re thinking.
We’re not great at social media so send us an email: hello@thankfulregistry.com

Thankful founder Kathy Cheng featured as “The Registry Entrepreneur” in the Summer 2014 issue of New York Weddings.
Finally, a flashback to 2015.
Here’s a love letter to all of the engaged couples who used Thankful in the very early years of our business.